Lesson 6: Moving between Spaces
As you’ve learned, Spatial is designed to give spaces a sonic signature. In many situations, it’s very desirable to take that designed auditory experience and move it to different Spaces. This is very important in scenarios like retail spaces, theme parks and more where the consumer environment is likely to be replicated at multiple locations. With many companies, it’s desirable that each location has the same thematic presentation, but it’s likely that each installation will have subtle, or in some cases not so subtle differences in size and layout. If these installations are to have an audible theme in the form of a Spatial Scene, then moving that sonic trademark between installations as easily as possible is highly desirable.
In this lesson you’ll discover Spatial’s ability to take a Scene developed for one Space, and move it to another Space, even if that space is of a differing size and/or speaker configuration.
Object Scaling
A significant feature of Spatial Studio is its ability to take a Scene designed for one space of a particular size and speaker map and move it to a space of a different size and speaker map. Imagine that you’ve designed a thematic soundscape for a retail store chain. You may be doing the bulk of your design work referencing a space in your own studio that’s of a relatively small size, but you ultimately need to deploy the Scene to multiple retail locations, each of varying size. There are various features within Spatial that address a variety of challenges associated with scaling a Scene.
NOTE: If you have not downloaded the associate Lesson 6 assets, please visit the Resources page in Lesson 1.