Glossary of Spatial Terms


Spatial Studio
Spatial’s proprietary composition software for creating immersive soundscapes, called Scenes, using a 3D visual editor.

Spatial Reality
Reality is the user interface of the underlying Spatial platform. The software used to configure a computer that will be powering a deployment and can be used to update settings and preferences.

Spatial Control
Control is the iOS application used to playback Scenes, but also contains powerful tools for managing accounts, users and deployments.

The entire set of hardware and software which make up a Spatial system at a given location.

The physical location where Spaces exist. For example, a theme park could be a Site with hundreds of Spaces existing there. Within our software, Sites are used to organize the Spaces within them.

A system in which a Spatial Scene can be played. This includes all the hardware inputs and outputs required to playback Scenes within that Space.

Spatial Studio

Scene is the all-encompassing term used to describe a Spatial audio experience. Spatial Studio is used to compose Scenes which can be played back in any Space.

Objects are the individual sound containers which make up the sum total of a Scene. These can be various sizes and set to scale automatically between different sized spaces, or specifically 
An Object represents anything in the Scene that can make sound, and generally maps to some kind of object in the real world—like a person, bird, river, or wind. 
An Object can include a hierarchy  of other Objects or SoundSets, even if some of those Objects don’t have any sounds associated with them. Each Object controls either a single SoundSet, multiple SoundSets, or a hierarchy of other Objects with or without their own SoundSet(s).
The hierarchy can continue to be driven lower and lower, allowing even for a group of sounds to create an Object that is representative of the whole and share position, size, and shape. 

Within the hierarchy, a parent Object is simply the next object further up the hierarchy.

Along the same language set as parent, the Objects placed hierarchically underneath their parent Object are the child Objects or children.
Sibling is sometimes used to describe Objects at the same hierarchical level under their parent. 

Using the parent to child hierarchy, changes made to the properties of the parent affect all of its children unless they are otherwise configured.

The visual map of all components that make up a Scene. The Canvas can be used to make edits to a Scene and can be customized via view preferences.

Inspector (Property Inspector)
A panel in Spatial Studio which allows for detailed and robust editing of Object, SoundSet, and Input Event properties.

Input Event
A broad term used to describe anything which triggers a behavior in the scene.

Where a sound file (.wav or .opus) exists in the Object hierarchy. SoundSets define the available sound capabilities or behaviors for an Object, and the logic used to play them. Without a SoundSet, an
Object can be used to control or affect other Objects in its hierarchy, but will not produce a sound itself.

Motion Path
The movement of an Object in space. The motion path is what determines where the Object’s sound exists over time and can be dynamic and randomized within a Scene.

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