
Lesson 8: Publishing Scenes to Spaces


One of the biggest benefits of Spatial’s technology is the ability to migrate a Scene between Spaces and one of most common applications for this involves the client / creator relationship. Say that a retail store wants to hire you to design a Space for their store. You can put every effort into creating a perfect soundscape, but that’s irrelevant if the client can’t hear it play over their system. To complete the job, you need to move your Scene to that client system. This is accomplished through a process called publishing. 

Understanding the Publishing Process

Before getting into the details of publishing a Scene, it’s helpful to understand the ecosystem involved in the publishing process. Take a moment to review this diagram.


You can see that in between the system you author your Scene with, and the destination Space within the client’s deployment, is the Spatial cloud environment. It hosts and manages Spatial Scene libraries for anyone that uses Spatial. It also holds information about every Spatial user’s Spaces. Ultimately, the Spatial cloud serves as the central connection point between you and your client. To move a Scene you’ve created to your client, you need to move it through the cloud and onto your client's system.



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