Working with Height


Spatial deployments can benefit greatly from having speakers positioned overhead. This provides a lot of opportunity to elevate sounds which can help your Bird take flight. Use what you’ve learned about the 3d-axis to send the bird 30 meters into the air.

  1. Double-click the Bird and drag the blue Z axis upwards to 30 meters and play the Scene.


    You can hear that the Bird has risen into the air. Again, the distance effects of volume and filtering are automatically applied. If you continued to raise the Bird higher, it would eventually become inaudible.

    Now, reposition the Bird so that it remains 30 meters in the air, but centered on the front wall of the space map. This time, you’ll directly enter values for the X,Y, Z coordinates.

  2. In the Inspector, enter X, Y, Z coordinates of 0, 4, 30 and Zoom out to where you can view the Object and its relationship to the Spacemap.


    You can see that while it’s easy to tell that the Object is high above the Spacemap, it's not so easy to tell if it’s aligned with the front wall of the Spacemap. An overhead view might work better.

  3. Click the Top Camera button and zoom out far enough to keep the Object in view.


    Even with the top down view the perspective can be skewed. Try strafing the camera position.

  4. Place two fingers on the trackpad and drag left or right.
    If you strafe the camera left or right, you’ll see that the perspective shifts dramatically giving an illusion that the position of the Object is changing position relative to the Spacemap even though it’s not.


    You can see that due to the 3D perspective of the camera, it’s difficult to visually understand the exact position of an Object on a particular plane. To assist in seeing how Objects relate to each other and the Spacemap you can use something called orthographic projection, which is an option found in the Canvas Display Option.

  5. Click the Canvas Display Option button and select the Orthographic Projection checkbox.


    This view is presented in more of a 2 dimensional style that makes it clear that the Bird Object is positioned perfectly center on the front wall of the Spacemap. 

  6. Turn off Orthographic Project and return to the High Angle Camera view.


    Now that you’ve implemented your first Object into a Spatial Scene, you should have a feel for Spatial Studio’s user interface and some of its core concepts. In the next lesson you’ll continue to build out the aviary project by adding more Objects and explore how you can further control an Object’s sound as related to distance, and even learn how to change an Object’s size and shape!

You have reached the end of Lesson 2.

Save your Scene in a desired location using: 

File → Save

We’ll be naming the Scene “Aviary”.


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