Spatial Studio supports two different Scene file types. The first is a bundled file called a Spatial Studio Project File. This can contain Scene audio files and various Scene components, as well as the Scene file itself. The second is a basic Scene file, which does not hold any media, but directs Spatial Studio to those files if they are elsewhere on your computer. Saving as either of these file types is very easy, but the following details should be noted before proceeding.
Spatial Studio Scene Files (.splscene)
Scene files (.splscene) are the core component of Spatial Scenes. They contain all the information relating to a Scene and how it is meant to play, including information about where external files are located on your computer. They do not contain any media such as audio files or images. For this reason, it’s important to keep in mind that moving your Scene file to another folder on your computer will detach it from its external files and can cause issues with Scene playback. By default, Scene files are stored with Spatial Studio Project files.
Spatial Studio Project Files (.splstudio)
A Spatial Studio Project File is formatted for use as a bundle. It’s possible to have the entire Scene—including audio, script, and image files— contained in this bundle for ease of sharing or moving to a new folder on your computer. To automatically consolidate your external files in the project bundle, visit Spatial Studio → Preferences and select “Consolidate Assets When Saving Project”.
The bundle acts like a single file and can be launched as a Spatial Studio Project File by double-clicking it from your finder window or by navigating to File → Open… within Spatial Studio. To reveal the media inside a Spatial Studio Project File, right-click the file in macOS and select “Show Package Contents''. In this folder you’ll have access to any external scripts, audio files, the Scene file (.splscene) itself and other external assets such as the Scene image.
By default, Scenes are saved as Spatial Studio Project Files. The current version of Spatial Studio (v1.3.0) supports collecting the external audio files and storing them within a new project file by navigating to Scene → Consolidate Assets…
Note: Spatial Studio does not automatically copy external files when saving. It is recommended to collect the audio files and scripts to ensure the files are properly linked before sharing the project file or moving it to a new location such as a file server. To automatically copy external files, enable “Consolidate Assets when saving Project” in your Spatial Studio preferences.
Published Scenes are automatically converted to Spatial Studio Projects and any Scene downloaded from the Spatial cloud will be in the Spatial Studio Project format.
Asset Relinking
Life happens and it is possible to misplace files on your machine. When this occurs, Spatial Studio cannot play a Scene. When opening a Scene or attempting to play a Scene with missing files, a dialog box will appear prompting you to search for the unlinked files on your computer.
Once a file is located, an auto-relink feature is available to consolidate the missing files.