Menu Bar Overview

The menu bar runs along the top of the screen. Use the menu bar to choose commands, perform tasks, and check status.

In This Article:



Spatial Studio

About Spatial Studio - About Spatial Studio displays the latest version of the software and the licensing. 

Preferences... [⌘ , ] Preferences contain playback settings and global view options.

  1. General
  2. Info
  3. Space & Deployment
  4. Audio




Show Waveform Choose whether to display a waveform and its crests in the lower timeline of the canvas when selecting a soundset or Object with a soundset attached directly. Turning this off may save processing time and power.
Restore Scene after Playback

During Scene playback, a variety of factors may be changed through input events working in the canvas. When this is selected, all changes the user makes during playback of the Scene will be reverted back to their values before the Scene was played.  For example, if an object is moved throughout the space during playback, it will return to its original position once playback has stopped.

Default Object Scaling Enables Object scaling by default. Learn more about Object scaling.
Consolidate Assets when saving Project


When this is enabled Spatial Studio will automatically scan the Spatial Studio Project File folder for external assets. When saving a project, you will be prompted to copy any missing files including all external audio files into the project file itself. This process consolidates the Scene as a bundle. This step is important if you plan to move a Spatial Studio Project File to a new folder on your computer or for sharing a project.


Default Object Color 

Establishes the default color of new Objects. You can change the default color by clicking the box and choosing a new color from the color wheel.

Distance Units

Choose between Imperial and Metric units. This applies to Object size, Motion Path Velocity and Object Position.

Clear Dialog Suppression

Any alerts or pop-ups in the dialogue window will be reset.





General information about Space, roles and current Spatial Studio version.


Current Space Selected in Space & Deployment. The Space is a unit of a Spatial experience and what is displayed on the canvas.
Computer Group Role

Defines the user permissions set upon creating a Spatial account. 

Identifies the role of the current group (v1.1.0)

Computer Group Members Accounts for the number of computing devices running Spatial Reality in a deployment. 
Version | Spatial Studio local | Connected space (v1.1.0 or newer) Identify the runtime version, Scene format, Space format and network protocol associated with the current version of Spatial Studio and the connected Space.  In the case of Scene Format, Space Format and Network Protocol, the version in use will be displayed first, followed by the earliest version that is still compatible with that version of Spatial Studio and the Space connected to it. For example, the displayed Scene Format could be ”6.0.0(2.0.0)” meaning the Scene format is currently 6.0.0 and would be compatible with all formats including and after 2.0.0.




Space & Deployment

This window contains deployment information relating to your Spatial account and the associated Sites and Spaces. It is helpful to reference this when working with multiple Spaces or if you sign in to multiple Spatial accounts. You can view account information, select different Sites and Spaces and monitor the connectivity of the selected Space.



User/Account Displays the email address entered when signing in. The email is associated with account or deployment Site and Space.

Appears when successfully running Spatial Studio with an active account. Login appears when users are not signed in to an account. This governs all your accessibility within Spatial Studio.


Most first-time Spatial users will belong to one Spatial account. This account will be the default upon launching Spatial Studio. In some cases, users may belong to multiple accounts, which will change the Site and Space when selected.

Selecting your Site and Space - These dropdown options will be predetermined based on your account.

Selected Space

Shows the connected Space and displays a preview of the space map. 

Local Mode

Forces Studio to halt communication with any deployment, even if a Site and Space is selected. Audio will be outputted through the selected Spatial Headspace speakers or headphones.

Set to Local Mode on Launch

If you are unsure that you’ll be using an external Space, selecting local mode may save time on launch as it will tell Spatial Studio not to look for a Site or Space to connect to.

Local Mode dimensions default to width 10m, length 10m and height 5m with eight speakers.


Stops playback of any Scene in the Space. Clicking restart, will restart the computer group running Spatial Reality Engine. When you click “Restart”, a warning will appear.


When your Space is offline or not connected to the compute (Spatial Reality) you can click Reconnect to launch the application. This can also clear up connection issues if playback is unstable.






Spatial Headspace  Choose preferences for Spatial Headspace.
Opus Encoder Choose the data rate in kb/s per channel using the options of 64, 128, and 256. Setting a higher data rate can slow down the processing of a Scene but increases the resolution of the outputted audio.



Spatial Studio cont.

 Check for Updates Check to see if there is a newer version of Spatial Studio available.

Services are a way for macOS applications to provide functionality for other apps installed on the same computer. The list of services that show up in an application’s Services menu is determined by the operating system. Spatial Studio does not implement any services.

 Hide Spatial Studio  [⌘ H ] Click Hide Spatial Studio to minimize the window and remove it from your dock. To view Spatial Studio, click the application icon and select your window.
 Hide Others  [⌥⌘H ] Click Hide Others to minimize (hide) other running applications. To view other applications, Show All.
 Quit Spatial Studio 

[⌘Q ] Closes the Spatial Studio application.



 New  [⌘N ] Opens a new Scene.

[⌘O ] Opens a folder where previous Scenes are saved. Click the Scene file to open the project.

 Open Recent > A dropdown menu of the latest Scenes will populate or you can select to Clear Menu of the recent Scene files.
 Close  [⌘ W] Closes the current Scene but does not terminate the application.

[⌘ S] Save your Scene file. A Save As window will appear when saving for the first time. Add a Scene name, tags and folder location to save your project.


Note: There is an option to save the Scene as a Spatial Scene or a Spatial Studio Project. Spatial Scenes are files that call external audio files. A Spatial Studio Project is a package file used to store external files as part of the Scene. When saving as a Spatial Studio Project, the external files are not automatically copied into the package. To do this, please use Scene → Collect audio and scripts files... To reveal the Scene Project contents, open the finder window and right click the Scene Project file. Select “Show Package Contents”.


 Save As 

 Save the file under a new name. Note: this does not collect all media.


Rename the Scene file.

 Revert To Saved>

Reverts to the file as it was before any changes were made (previous to opening). Revert To Saved> opens up a full-screen version browser that shows all of your Scene’s past versions (in Spatial Studio windows) and allows you to restore your current Scene back to a previous snapshot.

Open Version

Choose a version of the current Scene to open.

Create New Version

Creates a new version of the Scene.



Undo  [⌘Z ] Undo the previous command. Press Command-Z to Undo. You can undo multiple commands.

[⇧⌘ Z] Redo reverses the undo command. You can press Shift-Command-Z to Redo. You can redo multiple commands.


Cut the selected item and prepare for it to be pasted.



Copy the selected item and prepare for it to be pasted.


Paste a copied item.


Delete the selected item.

Delete Immediately

Delete without a warning dialogue.

Select All

Select all relevant items.

Solo Solo the selected Object. This does not affect published Scenes.
Mute Mute the selected Object.
Visual Solo The selected Object (or Object Group) will be visible on the Canvas, where all other Objects will be hidden from view. This does not affect audio.
Visual Mute Hide the selected Object or group from view.
New > Select an Object or Soundset to add to the selected Object.
Add Audio > Choose how to import audio.
Select Object > Choose to select the Object’s parent or cycle through selected Objects.
Motion Path > Choose how to add a new motion point.
Rename Rename the selected item.
Group Objects Group Objects and create a parent Object. Note that some timing properties can be affected.
Focus on Object The Canvas will be set to focus on the selected Object.
Clear Object Color

Revert to the “inherited” state of Object color.

Select Listener

 Select the listener Object for Spatial Headspace.

 Start Dictation… To start dictating, press the function key twice or choose Start Dictation.
 Emojis & Symbols 

[^⌘ Space ] Show the character viewer, from which you can choose emoji and other symbols.


Publish Scene [⌥ ⌘ P ]  In order for a Scene to be available to play at a Space, it must be published from Spatial Studio. Publishing to a given account is subject to certain account privileges.
Collect Assets

Gathers and copies all of the associated files of a Scene, including the sound files used in its soundsets, and creates a Spatial Studio Project file with the option to have that bundle compressed upon creation.

Scene Manager [⇧ ⌘ M] Here is where you can activate and edit your available Scenes that publish to Spatial Control. Drag available Scenes from the left panel to the right in order to publish them to your Space.
Play / Stop [Space ]  Starts and stops the Scene playback. When play is selected, the Scene will begin to play and the command now becomes a stop function. Clicking stop will reposition the timeline cursor back to the beginning of the Scene and will resume playing from the beginning.
Return To Zero

Starts the Scene from the beginning of playback. You can also use the Return key.



Show Tab Bar Displays the tab bar at the top of the Scene window. Here you can change the name of the Scene file. Scene file name is different than the name of the Scene being created. Add tags for your computer file(s). Assign what folder, Where: the Scene will be saved.
Show All Tabs

[⇧ ⌘ \ ] Displays all open tabs on your computer. When detaching the inspector panel, this can help navigate between screens and other applications. When all tabs are displayed the menu option changes to Exit Tab Overview [⇧ ⌘ \ ]. Clicking the red Close button in the top-left corner of the window will close the Scene.

Show Inspector Panel [ ⌘ I ] The inspector panel can be detached from the Spatial Studio window creating two Spatial Studio windows. Selecting show inspector panel in view will bring the inspector window to the front of the screen.
Enter Full Screen [^ ⌘ F ] Spatial Studio support full-screen mode - filling the entire screen so you can take advantage of every inch of the screen and work without desktop distractions. To stop using Spatial Studio full screen, move the pointer to the top of screen to display the menu bar, then choose Exit Full Screen [^ ⌘ F ]  or click the [esc] button.
Detach Inspector Panel [⇧ ⌘ | ] The property inspector panel can detach from the Spatial Studio window and open its own window. When detached it acts as the property inspector for all open Scenes.  When the Spatial Studio panel is detached the view menu changes to Reattach Inspector Panel [⇧ ⌘ | ].Note: This function enables editing multiple Scenes in a smaller window and uses a single consolidated property inspector for all, which can save screen space and processing power. 
Cycle Inspector Panel [ ⌥ ⌘ | ] Cycling the inspector moves the property inspector clockwise to different positions attached to the Spatial Studio window. Each time the cycle inspector is clicked, the property inspector moves. There are three positions the property inspector can attach to the Spatial Studio window. It exists all the way to the right by default, but can be on the left of the Scene overview or in between the Scene overview and the canvas.
Save Canvas View
[ ⌘ ‘ ] Create a custom canvas view by positioning the canvas in a preferred view and select Capture Canvas Camera Position. 
Show Saved Canvas View
[ ‘ ]  To view your custom camera position, select [ ‘ ] or go to View > Set Camera Canvas Position.  



Minimize [⌘ M ]Minimize the front window to the Dock. To minimize all windows of the front app, press Option-Command-M.

Enlarge the front window.

Tile Window to Left
of Screen

Positions the Spatial Studio window to the far left of the display screen.

Tile Window to Right
of Screen

Positions the Spatial Studio window to the far right of the display screen.
Alerts Window

Opens the Alerts Window relating to the health status of the deployment and matches the warning colors yellow and red from Space & Deployment and the Scene control bar.

Log Window

Sends rapid system monitoring information to detect the health of Spatial Studio. Check out more information about Log Windows.

Bring All to Front

Current Scene file is displayed at the bottom.

Scene Name

[Untitled] Displayed at the bottom of the dropdown menu.



The Help function will provide a navigation shortcut within Spatial Studio.

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