In This Article:
Scene Manager
From the menu bar, select Scene > Scene Manager [⇧⌘M] .
The Scene Manager allows users to add or delete Scene(s) to or from the list of available Spaces in your account.
The left column of the Scene Manager displays the list of available Scenes that can be added to a selected Space. You can download the scene by clicking ⇩ next to the scene you want to use.
For each scene listed, there is an i “Information” icon, which allows you to view details about the shared scenes. Here, the Scene’s image, name and description, as well as the live version information will appear. The scene can be downloaded from here by clicking “Download Version”.
Hit the “X” to close the view.
Add or Remove a Scene
On the right the Sites & Spaces column shows all the available Spaces of the currently selected account, grouped and headed by the Sites of those Spaces. Use the right column to select a Site, then Space you wish to manage.
Drag and drop Scenes into the selected Space to add and/or activate the current version.
This column shows the Account Scenes, the Shared Scenes or both, depending on the filter above the scene list (All, From Spatial, Account).
In the illustration below, the “Add” button will add the selected scenes (Beach and Jungle) to the selected Space (Rebel Command). The “Remove” button will remove the selected scenes from the selected spaces. The “Add” button will be disabled if all selected Spaces already contain all of the selected scenes. The “Remove” button will be disabled if none of the selected Spaces contain any of the selected scenes.
Use the white > icons to navigate further into the Spaces and Scenes in the right column of the Scene Manager window.
The Sites & Spaces column on the right also allows you to delete Scenes and manage I/O Maps.
The spaces list can be filtered as follows:
- “All” : Shows all Spaces for the selected account
- “Includes Scene” : Shows only spaces which include the selected scene(s)
- “Excludes Scene” : Shows only spaces which exclude the selected scene(s
Account Selection
This section displays the selected Account, login info and allows you to log in/out or switch Accounts.
Space Details
This view displays the Space’s layout and speaker information as well as a “Space Scenes List” which shows the Scenes that have been added to this Space. Click the pencil icon next to a Scene to reveal its details.
This view shows a graphic representation of the Space Map and speaker information as well as a Space Scene List which shows the Scenes that have been added to this Space.
To return to the Spaces List from here, select the “X” in the top left of this view.
Note: The scene manager will return to the Spaces list automatically after a new Account is selected, or the Account Scene details have been updated from the Scene Manager’s scenes list.
Each item in the space scene list can be removed from its space with the “X” button. The circular icon shows if the current space contains an I/O map for this scene.
If an I/O map exists, a click on the icon to expose these possible actions:
- Update I/O Map
- Delete I/O Map
- Download I/O Map
If an I/O map does not exist (icon is grayed out), a click on the icon will expose this action:
- Upload new I/O Map