Audio Equipment

Audio Equipement

Here's what you need to set up your audio hardware chain to enable Spatial Experiences:

  • Mac computer(s) to run Spatial Reality 
    Spatial Reality runs on any modern Mac hardware (make sure to review the minimum requirements). You can group multiple computers together to increase your total compute power and drive more channels. The computers work together to keep the timing in sync.
  • Multichannel audio interface
    USB, Thunderbolt, virtual soundcard, AVB, Dante or AES67.
  • Speakers
    To render lifelike sound, each speaker must be individually addressable by Spatial Reality. Speakers can be active, or passive with separate amplification. 


Channel verification

  • Connect your audio interface to your computer.
  • Connect you speakers (or the amplifier powering the speakers) to your audio interface, and assign the channels. If you are using a virtual soundcard — make sure you have correctly routed the virtual channels to your audio hardware. 
  • Test every speaker channel to verify that the channel number corresponds to the correct physical speaker.

Next Step: ⚙️  — Setup your computer for playback with Spatial Reality


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