Roles and Permissions

A Spatial account is the primary resource associated with a Spatial user that connects you to your available Sites, Spaces and Scenes.

Account admins or owners have the ability to invite new users to Spatial and assign roles based on specified permissions. Users can belong to multiple accounts, however the roles can vary. 


In This Article:


Account Users Defined

There are five types of users within a Spatial account:


Admin roles have the highest level of access. 

Admin Limited 

The Admin Limited role is given to a manager with a narrower set of permissions. It allows a user to change and view important aspects of an Account, Site or Space, but does not give the user full access to account information and other potentially hard-to-recover features or information.

Controller A Controller is given access to an account for Scene selection, playback and locking. No access to Spatial Reality.
Controller Limited The Controller Limited role is given to someone for access to an account solely for Scene playback, and can have additional limitations on playback, such as restricting volume changes and locking/unlocking of Spaces. No access to Spatial Reality.

Creators have the ability to add and change Scenes associated with an account and the respective Spaces. No access to Spatial Reality.


To invite a Spatial user to your Account check out Spatial Control > People.

Spatial uses role-based access controls to define a user's capabilities when interacting with Spatial Reality. Each Spatial user is assigned one or more roles when they are given access to a Spatial account. Every Spatial account has an owner. In the table below, assume that the account owner has all the capabilities of an administrator.


Spatial Control

Here's a full list of allowed actions based on the user role:



Admin Limited


Controller Limited




Invite member


Remove member


Cancel pending invite


Edit member permission level


View member list



Edit account name


Leave account

      ✓ **

Add Site


Edit Site name


Remove Site


Add Space


Remove Space


Edit Space name


Edit space map

    ✓ *

  ✓  *


Lock/Unlock Space



Computer Groups

Remove computer

    ✓ *


Access Spatial Reality


Restart computer group




Browse Scene Library


Add Scene to Space


Remove Scene from Space


Remove Scene from account



 Playback from Control***

Start/stop all Spaces

Start/stop Scene

Load Scene

Change volume


Change Scene

Trigger events

View Scene info


*      Requires a computer group restart

**    An admin can leave an account only if the admin is not the owner of the account. 

***  Depends on Space lock status


Spatial Studio



Admin Limited


Controller Limited










Manage I/O Maps


Retrieve List of all Deployments on an Account

Retrieve List of all Sites & Spaces associated with a Deployment

Connect to Sites and Spaces associated with an Account





 User Management

Modify User Roles


Invite Users to an Account





Play Scenes


Adjust Scene Volume


Lock/ Unlock a Space



 User Management

Manage Scenes in a Space




Monitor Scene Upload Progress


Upload Scene to an Account


Activate a Desired Scene Version



Download a Scene Version

Add a Scene to a Space



Delete Scenes from a Space




Delete Scenes from an Account




Delete Inactive Scene Version




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