Getting Started with OSC Inputs

Enabling OSC

  1. Visit Spatial Central to activate OSC on your deployment


  2. Under your Sites, click the Site in which your desired Space exists


  3. Navigate to the Computer Groups tab


  4. Select the Computer Group that you’d like to enable OSC for


  5. Select the Computer


  6. Scroll down to Basic Settings


    1. Select the checkbox “Enable Inputs

    2. Select “OSC”

    3. Designate a Port. We suggest 9001 as a starting point.
      NOTE: No other OSC receivers can exist on this Port.

    4. Save Changes to enable the port.


Preparing your Scene

  1. Create an Object that will be affected by an OSC event


    NOTE: For this exercise, we’ll be utilizing the “Active” status to trigger an Object.
    NOTE: This Object must contain a soundset with an audio file.

  2. Select the Object to reveal it in the Inspector


  3. Navigate to “General”


    1. Deselect “Active”
    2. Select “Deactivate on complete”
      NOTE: This allows you to retrigger the event without a matching "deactivate" event.
    3. Select Deactivate on stop”


Creating an I/O Map Entry

  1. Select the Scene at the top of your Scene List


  2. Using the Inspector, navigate to “I/O Maps”


    NOTE: Make sure you’re connected to the Space you’re configuring for OSC.
    The Space can be Offline.

  3. Select the “+” button next to “I/O Map”


    1. A pop up window will appear
    2. The Space should be pre-selected and the Space ID should already be inputted for you
    3. Select “Add”


  4. Create and configure an I/O Map Entry

    1. Use the "+" button to create the I/O Map Entry.


    2. Rename the I/O Map Entry - the chosen name will be the Address you’ll send in your OSC argument. We'll be using "ActivateObject"


    3. Select the Object that will be affected by an OSC Event


      1. Right click on the Target to reveal your Object hierarchy - it will likely be set to the Scene Root by default
      2. Select the Object you created for an OSC input event. 
        NOTE: you do not need to navigate to the end of the hierarchy, you can select the parent Object

    4. Right Click the Ø icon and set your property.
      For now we’ll be using the ‘Active’ property.


    5. Export your I/O Map to a desired location


Upload your I/O Map

  1. Publish your Scene to the Space

    1. Navigate to “Scene” in the toolbar at the top of your screen
    2. Select “Publish Scene…”
      NOTE: You can also use the shortcut ⌥⌘P
    3. Name your Scene and select “Publish Scene”
      NOTE: If this Scene has been previously published, you’ll select “Publish Version”

  2. Once your Scene is published, open the Scene Manager

    1. Navigate to “Scene” in the toolbar at the top of your screen
    2. Select “Scene Manager
      NOTE: You can also use the shortcut ⇧⌘M

  3. Add the Scene to your Space


    1. Click on the newly published Scene to select it
    2. On the right in the “Sites & Spaces” column, navigate to the desired Space
    3. Select the Space
    4. Click “Add”
      NOTE: you can also drag and drop the Scene to the desired Space

  4. Upload your I/O Map

    1. Once the Scene is added to your Space, click “>” to view the list of Scenes added to that Space
    2. Navigate to the newly added Scene
    3. Next to the “X” icon, you should see the I/O Map Icon (it will be grayed out)27.png
    4. Click the I/O Map Icon and select “Upload new I/O Map”
    5. In the Finder window, navigate to the I/O Map for this Space that you exported earlier, select it, and click “Upload”

  5. Once the I/O Map is uploaded, publish your Scene again as a new version to sync the I/O Map to your Scene/Space combination


    1. Navigate to “Scene” in the toolbar at the top of your screen
    2. Select “Publish Version” and make sure “Publish with I/O Maps” and “Activate Version” are both selected

Creating an OSC Event

  1. You may use any software which sends OSC commands

  2. Make sure you’ve configured the network and port for your application.

    1. OSC Network: must be the IP Address of your Reality computer

      You can find this by accessing your Reality computer and viewing your Reality settings.

      NOTE: The device you’re using to send OSC commands must be on the same Network as your Reality computer

    2. Port: this will be the port chosen earlier using Spatial Central
      (we recommended port 9001)

  3. We recommend that you start with the application “Touch OSC" (shown in the above screenshot).

  4. The command you create will output an ‘address’ and an ‘argument/ value’
    1. ADDRESS = the name of the I/O Map Entry you created earlier
    2. VALUE = the argument you wish to send.
      For this exercise, the value will be the integer or string “1” in order to activate an event.
      See below for a list of available properties you may influence with OSC and their designated syntaxes.

  5. If you’d like to use a simple Button that follows these instructions - below is a template to get you started.


    Use the Play button at the top of TouchOSC to test the button.

    If needed, you can use Protokol with TouchOSC for debugging.
    Note that the port you're using with Spatial cannot be the same one you use to debug with Protokol.
    Be sure to install Protokol on your Reality computer for testing, not the computer running Spatial Studio.

Sending the OSC Event


  1. Once all previous steps are completed, you’re ready to use OSC to influence the Object designated in your Scene.

  2. Load and play your Scene

  3. Trigger your OSC Event

    If you’re following along for this specific instance of an OSC Event, triggering your OSC Event will activate your Object.
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